Macro smithay_client_toolkit::delegate_registry

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macro_rules! delegate_registry {
    ($(@<$( $lt:tt $( : $clt:tt $(+ $dlt:tt )* )? ),+>)? $ty: ty) => { ... };
Expand description

Delegates the handling of [wl_registry].

Anything which implements RegistryHandler may be used in the delegate.


use smithay_client_toolkit::{
    delegate_registry, delegate_shm, registry_handlers,
    shm::{ShmHandler, Shm},

struct ExampleApp {
    shm_state: Shm,

// Here is the implementation of wl_shm to compile:

impl ShmHandler for ExampleApp {
    fn shm_state(&mut self) -> &mut Shm {
        &mut self.shm_state