Trait ConnectionExt

pub trait ConnectionExt: RequestConnection {
Show 61 methods // Provided methods fn xinput_get_extension_version<'c, 'input>( &'c self, name: &'input [u8], ) -> Result<Cookie<'c, Self, GetExtensionVersionReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_list_input_devices( &self, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, ListInputDevicesReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_open_device( &self, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, OpenDeviceReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_close_device( &self, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_set_device_mode( &self, device_id: u8, mode: ValuatorMode, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, SetDeviceModeReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_select_extension_event<'c, 'input>( &'c self, window: Window, classes: &'input [EventClass], ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_get_selected_extension_events( &self, window: Window, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetSelectedExtensionEventsReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_change_device_dont_propagate_list<'c, 'input>( &'c self, window: Window, mode: PropagateMode, classes: &'input [EventClass], ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_get_device_dont_propagate_list( &self, window: Window, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetDeviceDontPropagateListReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_get_device_motion_events<A>( &self, start: Timestamp, stop: A, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetDeviceMotionEventsReply>, ConnectionError> where A: Into<Timestamp> { ... } fn xinput_change_keyboard_device( &self, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, ChangeKeyboardDeviceReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_change_pointer_device( &self, x_axis: u8, y_axis: u8, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, ChangePointerDeviceReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_grab_device<'c, 'input, A>( &'c self, grab_window: Window, time: A, this_device_mode: GrabMode, other_device_mode: GrabMode, owner_events: bool, device_id: u8, classes: &'input [EventClass], ) -> Result<Cookie<'c, Self, GrabDeviceReply>, ConnectionError> where A: Into<Timestamp> { ... } fn xinput_ungrab_device<A>( &self, time: A, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> where A: Into<Timestamp> { ... } fn xinput_grab_device_key<'c, 'input, A, B>( &'c self, grab_window: Window, modifiers: ModMask, modifier_device: A, grabbed_device: u8, key: B, this_device_mode: GrabMode, other_device_mode: GrabMode, owner_events: bool, classes: &'input [EventClass], ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> where A: Into<u8>, B: Into<u8> { ... } fn xinput_ungrab_device_key<A, B>( &self, grab_window: Window, modifiers: ModMask, modifier_device: A, key: B, grabbed_device: u8, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> where A: Into<u8>, B: Into<u8> { ... } fn xinput_grab_device_button<'c, 'input, A, B>( &'c self, grab_window: Window, grabbed_device: u8, modifier_device: A, modifiers: ModMask, this_device_mode: GrabMode, other_device_mode: GrabMode, button: B, owner_events: bool, classes: &'input [EventClass], ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> where A: Into<u8>, B: Into<u8> { ... } fn xinput_ungrab_device_button<A, B>( &self, grab_window: Window, modifiers: ModMask, modifier_device: A, button: B, grabbed_device: u8, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> where A: Into<u8>, B: Into<u8> { ... } fn xinput_allow_device_events<A>( &self, time: A, mode: DeviceInputMode, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> where A: Into<Timestamp> { ... } fn xinput_get_device_focus( &self, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetDeviceFocusReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_set_device_focus<A, B>( &self, focus: A, time: B, revert_to: InputFocus, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> where A: Into<Window>, B: Into<Timestamp> { ... } fn xinput_get_feedback_control( &self, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetFeedbackControlReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_change_feedback_control( &self, mask: ChangeFeedbackControlMask, device_id: u8, feedback_id: u8, feedback: FeedbackCtl, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_get_device_key_mapping( &self, device_id: u8, first_keycode: KeyCode, count: u8, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetDeviceKeyMappingReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_change_device_key_mapping<'c, 'input>( &'c self, device_id: u8, first_keycode: KeyCode, keysyms_per_keycode: u8, keycode_count: u8, keysyms: &'input [Keysym], ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_get_device_modifier_mapping( &self, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetDeviceModifierMappingReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_set_device_modifier_mapping<'c, 'input>( &'c self, device_id: u8, keymaps: &'input [u8], ) -> Result<Cookie<'c, Self, SetDeviceModifierMappingReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_get_device_button_mapping( &self, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetDeviceButtonMappingReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_set_device_button_mapping<'c, 'input>( &'c self, device_id: u8, map: &'input [u8], ) -> Result<Cookie<'c, Self, SetDeviceButtonMappingReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_query_device_state( &self, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, QueryDeviceStateReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_device_bell( &self, device_id: u8, feedback_id: u8, feedback_class: u8, percent: i8, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_set_device_valuators<'c, 'input>( &'c self, device_id: u8, first_valuator: u8, valuators: &'input [i32], ) -> Result<Cookie<'c, Self, SetDeviceValuatorsReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_get_device_control( &self, control_id: DeviceControl, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetDeviceControlReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_change_device_control( &self, control_id: DeviceControl, device_id: u8, control: DeviceCtl, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, ChangeDeviceControlReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_list_device_properties( &self, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, ListDevicePropertiesReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_change_device_property<'c, 'input>( &'c self, property: Atom, type_: Atom, device_id: u8, mode: PropMode, num_items: u32, items: &'input ChangeDevicePropertyAux, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_delete_device_property( &self, property: Atom, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_get_device_property( &self, property: Atom, type_: Atom, offset: u32, len: u32, device_id: u8, delete: bool, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetDevicePropertyReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_xi_query_pointer<A>( &self, window: Window, deviceid: A, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, XIQueryPointerReply>, ConnectionError> where A: Into<DeviceId> { ... } fn xinput_xi_warp_pointer<A>( &self, src_win: Window, dst_win: Window, src_x: Fp1616, src_y: Fp1616, src_width: u16, src_height: u16, dst_x: Fp1616, dst_y: Fp1616, deviceid: A, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> where A: Into<DeviceId> { ... } fn xinput_xi_change_cursor<A>( &self, window: Window, cursor: Cursor, deviceid: A, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> where A: Into<DeviceId> { ... } fn xinput_xi_change_hierarchy<'c, 'input>( &'c self, changes: &'input [HierarchyChange], ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_xi_set_client_pointer<A>( &self, window: Window, deviceid: A, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> where A: Into<DeviceId> { ... } fn xinput_xi_get_client_pointer( &self, window: Window, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, XIGetClientPointerReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_xi_select_events<'c, 'input>( &'c self, window: Window, masks: &'input [EventMask], ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_xi_query_version( &self, major_version: u16, minor_version: u16, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, XIQueryVersionReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_xi_query_device<A>( &self, deviceid: A, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, XIQueryDeviceReply>, ConnectionError> where A: Into<DeviceId> { ... } fn xinput_xi_set_focus<A, B>( &self, window: Window, time: A, deviceid: B, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> where A: Into<Timestamp>, B: Into<DeviceId> { ... } fn xinput_xi_get_focus<A>( &self, deviceid: A, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, XIGetFocusReply>, ConnectionError> where A: Into<DeviceId> { ... } fn xinput_xi_grab_device<'c, 'input, A, B>( &'c self, window: Window, time: A, cursor: Cursor, deviceid: B, mode: GrabMode, paired_device_mode: GrabMode, owner_events: GrabOwner, mask: &'input [u32], ) -> Result<Cookie<'c, Self, XIGrabDeviceReply>, ConnectionError> where A: Into<Timestamp>, B: Into<DeviceId> { ... } fn xinput_xi_ungrab_device<A, B>( &self, time: A, deviceid: B, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> where A: Into<Timestamp>, B: Into<DeviceId> { ... } fn xinput_xi_allow_events<A, B>( &self, time: A, deviceid: B, event_mode: EventMode, touchid: u32, grab_window: Window, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> where A: Into<Timestamp>, B: Into<DeviceId> { ... } fn xinput_xi_passive_grab_device<'c, 'input, A, B>( &'c self, time: A, grab_window: Window, cursor: Cursor, detail: u32, deviceid: B, grab_type: GrabType, grab_mode: GrabMode22, paired_device_mode: GrabMode, owner_events: GrabOwner, mask: &'input [u32], modifiers: &'input [u32], ) -> Result<Cookie<'c, Self, XIPassiveGrabDeviceReply>, ConnectionError> where A: Into<Timestamp>, B: Into<DeviceId> { ... } fn xinput_xi_passive_ungrab_device<'c, 'input, A>( &'c self, grab_window: Window, detail: u32, deviceid: A, grab_type: GrabType, modifiers: &'input [u32], ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> where A: Into<DeviceId> { ... } fn xinput_xi_list_properties<A>( &self, deviceid: A, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, XIListPropertiesReply>, ConnectionError> where A: Into<DeviceId> { ... } fn xinput_xi_change_property<'c, 'input, A>( &'c self, deviceid: A, mode: PropMode, property: Atom, type_: Atom, num_items: u32, items: &'input XIChangePropertyAux, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> where A: Into<DeviceId> { ... } fn xinput_xi_delete_property<A>( &self, deviceid: A, property: Atom, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> where A: Into<DeviceId> { ... } fn xinput_xi_get_property<A>( &self, deviceid: A, delete: bool, property: Atom, type_: Atom, offset: u32, len: u32, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, XIGetPropertyReply>, ConnectionError> where A: Into<DeviceId> { ... } fn xinput_xi_get_selected_events( &self, window: Window, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, XIGetSelectedEventsReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_xi_barrier_release_pointer<'c, 'input>( &'c self, barriers: &'input [BarrierReleasePointerInfo], ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xinput_send_extension_event<'c, 'input>( &'c self, destination: Window, device_id: u8, propagate: bool, events: &'input [EventForSend], classes: &'input [EventClass], ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... }
Expand description

Extension trait defining the requests of this extension.

Provided Methods§


fn xinput_get_extension_version<'c, 'input>( &'c self, name: &'input [u8], ) -> Result<Cookie<'c, Self, GetExtensionVersionReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_list_input_devices( &self, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, ListInputDevicesReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_open_device( &self, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, OpenDeviceReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_close_device( &self, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_set_device_mode( &self, device_id: u8, mode: ValuatorMode, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, SetDeviceModeReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_select_extension_event<'c, 'input>( &'c self, window: Window, classes: &'input [EventClass], ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_get_selected_extension_events( &self, window: Window, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetSelectedExtensionEventsReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_change_device_dont_propagate_list<'c, 'input>( &'c self, window: Window, mode: PropagateMode, classes: &'input [EventClass], ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_get_device_dont_propagate_list( &self, window: Window, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetDeviceDontPropagateListReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_get_device_motion_events<A>( &self, start: Timestamp, stop: A, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetDeviceMotionEventsReply>, ConnectionError>
where A: Into<Timestamp>,


fn xinput_change_keyboard_device( &self, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, ChangeKeyboardDeviceReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_change_pointer_device( &self, x_axis: u8, y_axis: u8, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, ChangePointerDeviceReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_grab_device<'c, 'input, A>( &'c self, grab_window: Window, time: A, this_device_mode: GrabMode, other_device_mode: GrabMode, owner_events: bool, device_id: u8, classes: &'input [EventClass], ) -> Result<Cookie<'c, Self, GrabDeviceReply>, ConnectionError>
where A: Into<Timestamp>,


fn xinput_ungrab_device<A>( &self, time: A, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>
where A: Into<Timestamp>,


fn xinput_grab_device_key<'c, 'input, A, B>( &'c self, grab_window: Window, modifiers: ModMask, modifier_device: A, grabbed_device: u8, key: B, this_device_mode: GrabMode, other_device_mode: GrabMode, owner_events: bool, classes: &'input [EventClass], ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>
where A: Into<u8>, B: Into<u8>,


fn xinput_ungrab_device_key<A, B>( &self, grab_window: Window, modifiers: ModMask, modifier_device: A, key: B, grabbed_device: u8, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>
where A: Into<u8>, B: Into<u8>,


fn xinput_grab_device_button<'c, 'input, A, B>( &'c self, grab_window: Window, grabbed_device: u8, modifier_device: A, modifiers: ModMask, this_device_mode: GrabMode, other_device_mode: GrabMode, button: B, owner_events: bool, classes: &'input [EventClass], ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>
where A: Into<u8>, B: Into<u8>,


fn xinput_ungrab_device_button<A, B>( &self, grab_window: Window, modifiers: ModMask, modifier_device: A, button: B, grabbed_device: u8, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>
where A: Into<u8>, B: Into<u8>,


fn xinput_allow_device_events<A>( &self, time: A, mode: DeviceInputMode, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>
where A: Into<Timestamp>,


fn xinput_get_device_focus( &self, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetDeviceFocusReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_set_device_focus<A, B>( &self, focus: A, time: B, revert_to: InputFocus, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>
where A: Into<Window>, B: Into<Timestamp>,


fn xinput_get_feedback_control( &self, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetFeedbackControlReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_change_feedback_control( &self, mask: ChangeFeedbackControlMask, device_id: u8, feedback_id: u8, feedback: FeedbackCtl, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_get_device_key_mapping( &self, device_id: u8, first_keycode: KeyCode, count: u8, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetDeviceKeyMappingReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_change_device_key_mapping<'c, 'input>( &'c self, device_id: u8, first_keycode: KeyCode, keysyms_per_keycode: u8, keycode_count: u8, keysyms: &'input [Keysym], ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_get_device_modifier_mapping( &self, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetDeviceModifierMappingReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_set_device_modifier_mapping<'c, 'input>( &'c self, device_id: u8, keymaps: &'input [u8], ) -> Result<Cookie<'c, Self, SetDeviceModifierMappingReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_get_device_button_mapping( &self, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetDeviceButtonMappingReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_set_device_button_mapping<'c, 'input>( &'c self, device_id: u8, map: &'input [u8], ) -> Result<Cookie<'c, Self, SetDeviceButtonMappingReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_query_device_state( &self, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, QueryDeviceStateReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_device_bell( &self, device_id: u8, feedback_id: u8, feedback_class: u8, percent: i8, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_set_device_valuators<'c, 'input>( &'c self, device_id: u8, first_valuator: u8, valuators: &'input [i32], ) -> Result<Cookie<'c, Self, SetDeviceValuatorsReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_get_device_control( &self, control_id: DeviceControl, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetDeviceControlReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_change_device_control( &self, control_id: DeviceControl, device_id: u8, control: DeviceCtl, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, ChangeDeviceControlReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_list_device_properties( &self, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, ListDevicePropertiesReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_change_device_property<'c, 'input>( &'c self, property: Atom, type_: Atom, device_id: u8, mode: PropMode, num_items: u32, items: &'input ChangeDevicePropertyAux, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_delete_device_property( &self, property: Atom, device_id: u8, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_get_device_property( &self, property: Atom, type_: Atom, offset: u32, len: u32, device_id: u8, delete: bool, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetDevicePropertyReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_xi_query_pointer<A>( &self, window: Window, deviceid: A, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, XIQueryPointerReply>, ConnectionError>
where A: Into<DeviceId>,


fn xinput_xi_warp_pointer<A>( &self, src_win: Window, dst_win: Window, src_x: Fp1616, src_y: Fp1616, src_width: u16, src_height: u16, dst_x: Fp1616, dst_y: Fp1616, deviceid: A, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>
where A: Into<DeviceId>,


fn xinput_xi_change_cursor<A>( &self, window: Window, cursor: Cursor, deviceid: A, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>
where A: Into<DeviceId>,


fn xinput_xi_change_hierarchy<'c, 'input>( &'c self, changes: &'input [HierarchyChange], ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_xi_set_client_pointer<A>( &self, window: Window, deviceid: A, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>
where A: Into<DeviceId>,


fn xinput_xi_get_client_pointer( &self, window: Window, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, XIGetClientPointerReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_xi_select_events<'c, 'input>( &'c self, window: Window, masks: &'input [EventMask], ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_xi_query_version( &self, major_version: u16, minor_version: u16, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, XIQueryVersionReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_xi_query_device<A>( &self, deviceid: A, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, XIQueryDeviceReply>, ConnectionError>
where A: Into<DeviceId>,


fn xinput_xi_set_focus<A, B>( &self, window: Window, time: A, deviceid: B, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>
where A: Into<Timestamp>, B: Into<DeviceId>,


fn xinput_xi_get_focus<A>( &self, deviceid: A, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, XIGetFocusReply>, ConnectionError>
where A: Into<DeviceId>,


fn xinput_xi_grab_device<'c, 'input, A, B>( &'c self, window: Window, time: A, cursor: Cursor, deviceid: B, mode: GrabMode, paired_device_mode: GrabMode, owner_events: GrabOwner, mask: &'input [u32], ) -> Result<Cookie<'c, Self, XIGrabDeviceReply>, ConnectionError>
where A: Into<Timestamp>, B: Into<DeviceId>,


fn xinput_xi_ungrab_device<A, B>( &self, time: A, deviceid: B, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>
where A: Into<Timestamp>, B: Into<DeviceId>,


fn xinput_xi_allow_events<A, B>( &self, time: A, deviceid: B, event_mode: EventMode, touchid: u32, grab_window: Window, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>
where A: Into<Timestamp>, B: Into<DeviceId>,


fn xinput_xi_passive_grab_device<'c, 'input, A, B>( &'c self, time: A, grab_window: Window, cursor: Cursor, detail: u32, deviceid: B, grab_type: GrabType, grab_mode: GrabMode22, paired_device_mode: GrabMode, owner_events: GrabOwner, mask: &'input [u32], modifiers: &'input [u32], ) -> Result<Cookie<'c, Self, XIPassiveGrabDeviceReply>, ConnectionError>
where A: Into<Timestamp>, B: Into<DeviceId>,


fn xinput_xi_passive_ungrab_device<'c, 'input, A>( &'c self, grab_window: Window, detail: u32, deviceid: A, grab_type: GrabType, modifiers: &'input [u32], ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>
where A: Into<DeviceId>,


fn xinput_xi_list_properties<A>( &self, deviceid: A, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, XIListPropertiesReply>, ConnectionError>
where A: Into<DeviceId>,


fn xinput_xi_change_property<'c, 'input, A>( &'c self, deviceid: A, mode: PropMode, property: Atom, type_: Atom, num_items: u32, items: &'input XIChangePropertyAux, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>
where A: Into<DeviceId>,


fn xinput_xi_delete_property<A>( &self, deviceid: A, property: Atom, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>
where A: Into<DeviceId>,


fn xinput_xi_get_property<A>( &self, deviceid: A, delete: bool, property: Atom, type_: Atom, offset: u32, len: u32, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, XIGetPropertyReply>, ConnectionError>
where A: Into<DeviceId>,


fn xinput_xi_get_selected_events( &self, window: Window, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, XIGetSelectedEventsReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_xi_barrier_release_pointer<'c, 'input>( &'c self, barriers: &'input [BarrierReleasePointerInfo], ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn xinput_send_extension_event<'c, 'input>( &'c self, destination: Window, device_id: u8, propagate: bool, events: &'input [EventForSend], classes: &'input [EventClass], ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>

Dyn Compatibility§

This trait is not dyn compatible.

In older versions of Rust, dyn compatibility was called "object safety", so this trait is not object safe.
