Trait ConnectionExt

pub trait ConnectionExt: RequestConnection {
Show 24 methods // Provided methods fn xkb_use_extension( &self, wanted_major: u16, wanted_minor: u16, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, UseExtensionReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xkb_select_events<'c, 'input>( &'c self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, clear: EventType, select_all: EventType, affect_map: MapPart, map: MapPart, details: &'input SelectEventsAux, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xkb_bell( &self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, bell_class: BellClassSpec, bell_id: IDSpec, percent: i8, force_sound: bool, event_only: bool, pitch: i16, duration: i16, name: Atom, window: Window, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xkb_get_state( &self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetStateReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xkb_latch_lock_state( &self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, affect_mod_locks: ModMask, mod_locks: ModMask, lock_group: bool, group_lock: Group, affect_mod_latches: ModMask, latch_group: bool, group_latch: u16, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xkb_get_controls( &self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetControlsReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xkb_set_controls<'c, 'input>( &'c self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, affect_internal_real_mods: ModMask, internal_real_mods: ModMask, affect_ignore_lock_real_mods: ModMask, ignore_lock_real_mods: ModMask, affect_internal_virtual_mods: VMod, internal_virtual_mods: VMod, affect_ignore_lock_virtual_mods: VMod, ignore_lock_virtual_mods: VMod, mouse_keys_dflt_btn: u8, groups_wrap: u8, access_x_options: AXOption, affect_enabled_controls: BoolCtrl, enabled_controls: BoolCtrl, change_controls: Control, repeat_delay: u16, repeat_interval: u16, slow_keys_delay: u16, debounce_delay: u16, mouse_keys_delay: u16, mouse_keys_interval: u16, mouse_keys_time_to_max: u16, mouse_keys_max_speed: u16, mouse_keys_curve: i16, access_x_timeout: u16, access_x_timeout_mask: BoolCtrl, access_x_timeout_values: BoolCtrl, access_x_timeout_options_mask: AXOption, access_x_timeout_options_values: AXOption, per_key_repeat: &'input [u8; 32], ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xkb_get_map( &self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, full: MapPart, partial: MapPart, first_type: u8, n_types: u8, first_key_sym: Keycode, n_key_syms: u8, first_key_action: Keycode, n_key_actions: u8, first_key_behavior: Keycode, n_key_behaviors: u8, virtual_mods: VMod, first_key_explicit: Keycode, n_key_explicit: u8, first_mod_map_key: Keycode, n_mod_map_keys: u8, first_v_mod_map_key: Keycode, n_v_mod_map_keys: u8, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetMapReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xkb_set_map<'c, 'input>( &'c self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, flags: SetMapFlags, min_key_code: Keycode, max_key_code: Keycode, first_type: u8, n_types: u8, first_key_sym: Keycode, n_key_syms: u8, total_syms: u16, first_key_action: Keycode, n_key_actions: u8, total_actions: u16, first_key_behavior: Keycode, n_key_behaviors: u8, total_key_behaviors: u8, first_key_explicit: Keycode, n_key_explicit: u8, total_key_explicit: u8, first_mod_map_key: Keycode, n_mod_map_keys: u8, total_mod_map_keys: u8, first_v_mod_map_key: Keycode, n_v_mod_map_keys: u8, total_v_mod_map_keys: u8, virtual_mods: VMod, values: &'input SetMapAux, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xkb_get_compat_map( &self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, groups: SetOfGroup, get_all_si: bool, first_si: u16, n_si: u16, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetCompatMapReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xkb_set_compat_map<'c, 'input>( &'c self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, recompute_actions: bool, truncate_si: bool, groups: SetOfGroup, first_si: u16, si: &'input [SymInterpret], group_maps: &'input [ModDef], ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xkb_get_indicator_state( &self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetIndicatorStateReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xkb_get_indicator_map( &self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, which: u32, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetIndicatorMapReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xkb_set_indicator_map<'c, 'input>( &'c self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, which: u32, maps: &'input [IndicatorMap], ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xkb_get_named_indicator<A>( &self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, led_class: LedClass, led_id: A, indicator: Atom, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetNamedIndicatorReply>, ConnectionError> where A: Into<IDSpec> { ... } fn xkb_set_named_indicator<A>( &self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, led_class: LedClass, led_id: A, indicator: Atom, set_state: bool, on: bool, set_map: bool, create_map: bool, map_flags: IMFlag, map_which_groups: IMGroupsWhich, map_groups: SetOfGroups, map_which_mods: IMModsWhich, map_real_mods: ModMask, map_vmods: VMod, map_ctrls: BoolCtrl, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError> where A: Into<IDSpec> { ... } fn xkb_get_names( &self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, which: NameDetail, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetNamesReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xkb_set_names<'c, 'input>( &'c self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, virtual_mods: VMod, first_type: u8, n_types: u8, first_kt_levelt: u8, n_kt_levels: u8, indicators: u32, group_names: SetOfGroup, n_radio_groups: u8, first_key: Keycode, n_keys: u8, n_key_aliases: u8, total_kt_level_names: u16, values: &'input SetNamesAux, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xkb_per_client_flags( &self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, change: PerClientFlag, value: PerClientFlag, ctrls_to_change: BoolCtrl, auto_ctrls: BoolCtrl, auto_ctrls_values: BoolCtrl, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, PerClientFlagsReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xkb_list_components( &self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, max_names: u16, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, ListComponentsReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xkb_get_kbd_by_name( &self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, need: GBNDetail, want: GBNDetail, load: bool, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetKbdByNameReply>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xkb_get_device_info<A>( &self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, wanted: XIFeature, all_buttons: bool, first_button: u8, n_buttons: u8, led_class: LedClass, led_id: A, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetDeviceInfoReply>, ConnectionError> where A: Into<IDSpec> { ... } fn xkb_set_device_info<'c, 'input>( &'c self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, first_btn: u8, change: XIFeature, btn_actions: &'input [Action], leds: &'input [DeviceLedInfo], ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError> { ... } fn xkb_set_debugging_flags<'c, 'input>( &'c self, affect_flags: u32, flags: u32, affect_ctrls: u32, ctrls: u32, message: &'input [String8], ) -> Result<Cookie<'c, Self, SetDebuggingFlagsReply>, ConnectionError> { ... }
Expand description

Extension trait defining the requests of this extension.

Provided Methods§


fn xkb_use_extension( &self, wanted_major: u16, wanted_minor: u16, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, UseExtensionReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xkb_select_events<'c, 'input>( &'c self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, clear: EventType, select_all: EventType, affect_map: MapPart, map: MapPart, details: &'input SelectEventsAux, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn xkb_bell( &self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, bell_class: BellClassSpec, bell_id: IDSpec, percent: i8, force_sound: bool, event_only: bool, pitch: i16, duration: i16, name: Atom, window: Window, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn xkb_get_state( &self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetStateReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xkb_latch_lock_state( &self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, affect_mod_locks: ModMask, mod_locks: ModMask, lock_group: bool, group_lock: Group, affect_mod_latches: ModMask, latch_group: bool, group_latch: u16, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn xkb_get_controls( &self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetControlsReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xkb_set_controls<'c, 'input>( &'c self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, affect_internal_real_mods: ModMask, internal_real_mods: ModMask, affect_ignore_lock_real_mods: ModMask, ignore_lock_real_mods: ModMask, affect_internal_virtual_mods: VMod, internal_virtual_mods: VMod, affect_ignore_lock_virtual_mods: VMod, ignore_lock_virtual_mods: VMod, mouse_keys_dflt_btn: u8, groups_wrap: u8, access_x_options: AXOption, affect_enabled_controls: BoolCtrl, enabled_controls: BoolCtrl, change_controls: Control, repeat_delay: u16, repeat_interval: u16, slow_keys_delay: u16, debounce_delay: u16, mouse_keys_delay: u16, mouse_keys_interval: u16, mouse_keys_time_to_max: u16, mouse_keys_max_speed: u16, mouse_keys_curve: i16, access_x_timeout: u16, access_x_timeout_mask: BoolCtrl, access_x_timeout_values: BoolCtrl, access_x_timeout_options_mask: AXOption, access_x_timeout_options_values: AXOption, per_key_repeat: &'input [u8; 32], ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn xkb_get_map( &self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, full: MapPart, partial: MapPart, first_type: u8, n_types: u8, first_key_sym: Keycode, n_key_syms: u8, first_key_action: Keycode, n_key_actions: u8, first_key_behavior: Keycode, n_key_behaviors: u8, virtual_mods: VMod, first_key_explicit: Keycode, n_key_explicit: u8, first_mod_map_key: Keycode, n_mod_map_keys: u8, first_v_mod_map_key: Keycode, n_v_mod_map_keys: u8, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetMapReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xkb_set_map<'c, 'input>( &'c self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, flags: SetMapFlags, min_key_code: Keycode, max_key_code: Keycode, first_type: u8, n_types: u8, first_key_sym: Keycode, n_key_syms: u8, total_syms: u16, first_key_action: Keycode, n_key_actions: u8, total_actions: u16, first_key_behavior: Keycode, n_key_behaviors: u8, total_key_behaviors: u8, first_key_explicit: Keycode, n_key_explicit: u8, total_key_explicit: u8, first_mod_map_key: Keycode, n_mod_map_keys: u8, total_mod_map_keys: u8, first_v_mod_map_key: Keycode, n_v_mod_map_keys: u8, total_v_mod_map_keys: u8, virtual_mods: VMod, values: &'input SetMapAux, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn xkb_get_compat_map( &self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, groups: SetOfGroup, get_all_si: bool, first_si: u16, n_si: u16, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetCompatMapReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xkb_set_compat_map<'c, 'input>( &'c self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, recompute_actions: bool, truncate_si: bool, groups: SetOfGroup, first_si: u16, si: &'input [SymInterpret], group_maps: &'input [ModDef], ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn xkb_get_indicator_state( &self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetIndicatorStateReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xkb_get_indicator_map( &self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, which: u32, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetIndicatorMapReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xkb_set_indicator_map<'c, 'input>( &'c self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, which: u32, maps: &'input [IndicatorMap], ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn xkb_get_named_indicator<A>( &self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, led_class: LedClass, led_id: A, indicator: Atom, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetNamedIndicatorReply>, ConnectionError>
where A: Into<IDSpec>,


fn xkb_set_named_indicator<A>( &self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, led_class: LedClass, led_id: A, indicator: Atom, set_state: bool, on: bool, set_map: bool, create_map: bool, map_flags: IMFlag, map_which_groups: IMGroupsWhich, map_groups: SetOfGroups, map_which_mods: IMModsWhich, map_real_mods: ModMask, map_vmods: VMod, map_ctrls: BoolCtrl, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'_, Self>, ConnectionError>
where A: Into<IDSpec>,


fn xkb_get_names( &self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, which: NameDetail, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetNamesReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xkb_set_names<'c, 'input>( &'c self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, virtual_mods: VMod, first_type: u8, n_types: u8, first_kt_levelt: u8, n_kt_levels: u8, indicators: u32, group_names: SetOfGroup, n_radio_groups: u8, first_key: Keycode, n_keys: u8, n_key_aliases: u8, total_kt_level_names: u16, values: &'input SetNamesAux, ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn xkb_per_client_flags( &self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, change: PerClientFlag, value: PerClientFlag, ctrls_to_change: BoolCtrl, auto_ctrls: BoolCtrl, auto_ctrls_values: BoolCtrl, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, PerClientFlagsReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xkb_list_components( &self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, max_names: u16, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, ListComponentsReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xkb_get_kbd_by_name( &self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, need: GBNDetail, want: GBNDetail, load: bool, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetKbdByNameReply>, ConnectionError>


fn xkb_get_device_info<A>( &self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, wanted: XIFeature, all_buttons: bool, first_button: u8, n_buttons: u8, led_class: LedClass, led_id: A, ) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetDeviceInfoReply>, ConnectionError>
where A: Into<IDSpec>,


fn xkb_set_device_info<'c, 'input>( &'c self, device_spec: DeviceSpec, first_btn: u8, change: XIFeature, btn_actions: &'input [Action], leds: &'input [DeviceLedInfo], ) -> Result<VoidCookie<'c, Self>, ConnectionError>


fn xkb_set_debugging_flags<'c, 'input>( &'c self, affect_flags: u32, flags: u32, affect_ctrls: u32, ctrls: u32, message: &'input [String8], ) -> Result<Cookie<'c, Self, SetDebuggingFlagsReply>, ConnectionError>

Dyn Compatibility§

This trait is not dyn compatible.

In older versions of Rust, dyn compatibility was called "object safety", so this trait is not object safe.
