Event queues and dispatching

If the Connection is the heart of your Wayland app, the EventQueue will be its backbone. As described in the previous section, messages are sent in both directions, and so far we only discussed how to send requests (using the methods of proxies), but not how to receive events. This is done via a dispatching mechanism powered by the event queues.

State and dispatching

Generally, an app built using wayland-client will be structured as a central type, which we refer to as the state of the app. This type needs to provide several methods that are used as callbacks by wayland-client to deliver events from the server.

Providing these methods is done by implementing the Dispatch trait on your state. This is a parametric trait with two type parameters: the first one is a Wayland interface, and the second is the type of the user data you want to associate with this kind of object.

For example, to handle events sent to a WlSurface object, with user data MyUserData, you would provide the following implementation:

fn main() {
impl Dispatch<WlSurface, MyUserData> for Mystate {
    fn event(
        state: &mut Self,
        proxy: &WlSurface,
        event: <WlSurface as Proxy>::Event,
        data: &MyUserData,
        conn: &Connection
        qhandle: &QueueHandle<MyState>
    ) {
         * Here is your logic for handling the event

Let's explain the arguments of this method one by one:

  1. As you can see, the method does not take &mut Self as argument, but instead state: &mut Self. This is related to a mechanism of wayland-client that allows composition by delegating Dispatch implementations to fields of your state struct. This is detailed below.
  2. The second argument is a proxy representing the Wayland object with which this event is associated
  3. The first argument is an enum representing the content of the event. You are thus expected to match it in order to process it.
  4. The fourth argument is a reference to the user data associated with this object.
  5. The fifth argument is a reference to the underlying Connection. Most of the time you will not need to use it, but it some circumstances it can be needed.
  6. The last argument is a handle to the [EventLoop] currently handling this object. You will need it if you want to invoke requests that create new objects.

Note that the event enums are marked as #[non_exhaustive], as new events can be introduced in later revisions of the Wayland protocol. The Wayland protocol has a versioning system for objects (which this is details later in this book), as a result your app will not receive these new events unless you explicitly opt in by requiring a higher version from the server. Nevertheless, wayland-client still needs to statically support them. These enums being non-exhaustive thus allows the crate to handle new versions of the protocol without it being a breaking change.

As a result, when you implement the Dispatch trait you need to keep an eye on which version of the object you're going to work with, and construct your match accordingly. Having a catch-all _ => unreachable!() arm is here an easy way to ensure you are not ignoring events that you can actually receive.

Another important point no note is that the Dispatch trait is parameterized by the user data type. This means that you can provide two different implementations for the same Wayland interface, and the event queue will invoke one or the other depending on which type of user data was provided when the object was created.

Event queues

In some cases however, having a single state may be limiting. Some apps have their logic clearly separated in independent parts, and may want to have these parts run concurrently on multiple threads. To handle this, wayland-client has a concept of EventQueue. Most apps will be fine with a single event queue, but the principle is the same with one or more.

Event queues are created from the Connection with the Connection::new_event_queue() method. Both this method and the EventQueue struct have a type parameter, which is the type of your state struct. This means that an event queue can only be used with a single type as state. This allows wayland-client to statically ensure that your app provides all the needed Dispatch implementations.

Once the event queue is created, you can retrieve its handle with the EventQueue::handle() method. This handle is required by all methods that create a new Wayland object, and allows you to specify which event queue (and thus which state) should handle the events for this object.

For a simple app where the Wayland connection is the only source of events to process, the main structure of the program would then look like this:

fn main() {
use wayland_client::Connection;

let connection = Connection::connect_to_env().unwrap();
let mut event_queue = connection.new_event_queue();

 * Here the initialization code of your app...

// And the main loop:
// This assumes that the `state` struct contains an `exit` boolean field, that is
// set to true when the app decided it should exit.
while !state.exit {
    event_queue.blocking_dispatch(&mut state).expect("Wayland connection lost!");

The EventQueue::blocking_dispatch() method will put your app to sleep and wait until new events from the server are available, dispatch them to the appropriate Dispatch methods of the state, and then return.

If it returns an error, then the Wayland connection has already been closed and can no longer be used. This would typically happen in two main situations: either your app triggered a protocol error and the connection was killed by the server, or the server has shut down.

While this simple structure is sufficient for this introduction, more advanced programs generally don't want to just sleep waiting for events. For example a game or a video player needs to continue to update its contents even if no event occurs. EventQueue provides other methods to dispatch events in a non-blocking way, see its API documentation for more details.

Dispatch delegation

wayland-client also provides means to provide a generic implementation of Dispatch that downstream crates or modules may use in a composition-like fashion. SCTK heavily uses this mechanism to provide generic and modular helpers, so while you'll probably not need to implement such helpers at first, it is important to have a general idea of how they work to use them.

The general structure of this mechanism is as follows:

  1. You provide a sub-state type that contains the data necessary to handle the events of the subset of interfaces your helper should manage.
  2. You provide generic implementations of the Dispatch trait on this sub-state type, by explicitly making its third type parameter as generic (rather than letting it default to Self)
  3. The downstream module will then have your sub-state as a field of its state struct, and use the delegate_dispatch! macro to delegate its Dispatch implementation to your helper.

See the API documentation of Dispatch and delegate_dispatch! for more details and examples.

With all this context given, we are now ready to initialize our first app!