Drawing to a Window

Drawing to a surface is done by attaching buffers to it, though the WlSurface::attach() method. This method takes as argument an optional WlBuffer, and coordinates of this buffer relative to the current content. This last bit allows to control in which direction the rectangle of the surface should grow or shrink, but is pretty anecdotal. Most of the time you will just set these to (0, 0).

The Option<&WlBuffer> is the main part of drawing. A buffer defines the totality of the contents of a surface, including its size. It is mostly a reference to an array of pixels that the Wayland server will use to fill the surface contents. Updating the contents of a surface amounts to attaching a new buffer to it, replacing the previous one. Attaching None to a surface erases its content, causing the surface to be hidden by the server.

The act of drawing is thus creating a WlBuffer referring to an array of pixels with the appropriate content. There are two main approaches for producing such a buffer: drawing to shared memory, or via OpenGL/Vulkan. We will now focus on the first method, leaving OpenGL and Vulkan for later.

Shared Memory

The principle of shared memory for drawing content is that the client first creates a memory-backed file (for example using memfd_create), and shares its file descriptor with the server. The client can then draw its content by writing to the file, and create buffers pointing to the appropriate part of the file, similarly to a rust slice pointing to part of a Vec. The client can thus write the content of several different buffers to the same file, avoiding the need to open many file descriptors (file descriptor leaks are a real thing!).

When a buffer has been attached to a surface and submitted to the compositor, its associated pixel array should no longer be changed until it has finished reading it, or graphical glitches may occur. As a result, clients are encouraged to do double-buffering: maintaining two shared memory files, and drawing to one while the other is in use by the server.

As one can expect, the capability to create buffers backend by shared memory is represented by a global: wl_shm. However as previously, SCTK provides an abstraction to make handling such shared memory easier: the DoubleMemPool. As its name can let you guess, it also manages double-buffering.

We can create a DoubleMemPool from the environment using the Environment::create_double_pool() method:

fn main() {
let mut double_pool = environment.create_double_pool(|_| {})
    .expect("Failed to create a memory-backed file.");

The DoubleMemPool keeps automatically track of which of its underlying memory pools is still being used by the server, allowing us to use the other. If at some point we try to draw and both are still in use, DoubleMemPool will not let us access any pool. If that happens, the callback we gave to Environment::create_double_pool() will be invoked as soon as one pool is free again and we can draw. We will not be doing such reactive drawing in this example, so we just pass an empty callback.

Drawing on the memory pool

When we want to draw, we can start by invoking DoubleMemPool::pool(), which gives us access to a free MemPool or None if both are currently in use. Once we have it, we can write to it like any file, it implements the std::io::Write and std::io::Seek traits.

For this example, let's just fill the window with red. We will be writing the pixel contents in ARGB8888 format. This means that each pixel will be represented by 4 bytes: Alpha, Red, Green and Blue values. Our fully opaque red is thus #FFD00000, or &[0xFF, 0xD0, 0, 0].

To draw this content, we shall first ensure that the MemPool is large enough to store those contents, then seek back to the beginning of the file, and write enough of these pixels to fill the whole surface.

fn main() {
use std::io::{Write, Seek, SeekFrom, BufWriter};
// Only try to draw if there is a free pool
if let Some(pool) = double_pool.pool() {
    // number of pixels in the surface
    let pxcount = width * height;
    // number of bytes corresponding to these pixels
    let bytecount = 4*pxcount;

    // Resize the pool accordingly. It is important to use this method
    // rather than just let the memory file grow by writing to it, because
    // it tells the server about the new size of the file. Note that a
    // memory pool can never shrink, so if the size we request is smaller than
    // its current size, this call will do nothing.

    // Now, seek to the beggining of the memory file, to overwrite its contents

    // Finally do the actual drawing. We use a BufWriter to increase performance
        let mut writer = BufWriter::new(&mut *pool);
        let pixel: u32 = 0xFF_D0_00_00;
        for _ in 0..pxcount {

Creating and attaching the buffer

Once the MemPool contains the correct pixels, we can create a buffer from it using the MemPool::buffer() method. This method requires several arguments to correctly define the buffer relative to the memory pool:

  • offset: how many bytes from the start of the pool does the buffer start
  • width: the width of the buffer in pixels
  • height: the height of the buffer in pixels
  • stride: the number of bytes between the start of each line
  • format: the pixel format used for interpreting the bytes (in our case Format::Argb8888)

The pixel stream from the memory pool is thus interpreted by the server as one line after another, from left to right and from top to bottom. In our case, the offset is 0, as we wrote our content at the start of the pool. The width and height are the dimensions of the content we've drawn. Here stride is just width * 4, as there are 4 bytes per pixel.

We can thus create our buffer using:

fn main() {
use smithay_client_toolkit::shm::Format;

let buffer = pool.buffer(0, width, height, 4 * height, Format::Argb8888);

And finally, the last remaining thing to do is to attach this buffer to the surface, declare the damage, and commit the surface. Declaring the damage tells the server which part of the content actually changed since the last submitted buffer. This allows it to optimize its drawing process to only update parts of the screen that need updating. For this example, we will simply declare the whole buffer as damaged.

fn main() {
surface.attach(Some(&buffer), 0, 0);
surface.damage_buffer(0, 0, width, height);

The commit() call is necessary because the state of the surface is double-buffered. We are changing two properties of the surface here: its attached buffer, and the parts that are damaged. Once we've sent these requests the server will keep these new properties on hold, and apply them atomically when we send the commit request.

With this, you are now able to display content on a Wayland window, congratulations! To wrap all this together, the next page will be an exercise to code a simple image viewer app: it'll display an image and stretch its content when resized.